
IN THE NAME OF CHARITY, LLC was founded as a direct result of COVID-19 and being laid off as an executive director of a wonderful nonprofit. During my long quarantine, I became increasingly concerned about how the nonprofit sector would recover and rebuild with less staff and less funding. At that moment I knew I had a new mission – to provide the nonprofit sector (donors and nonprofits) with affordable consulting and tools and resources to help them survive and rebuild.


Laurie has more than 25 years of nonprofit experience and is passionate about leaving the world a better place. Her strong business acumen coupled with her personal and professional networks have served the community well raising in excess of $60 million dollars for a wide variety non-profits.

Laurie has provided immediate results to nonprofits with budgets ranging from $500,000 to $60 Million. She understands the challenges of being a one-woman-show or managing a large staff. Laurie has been commended for her strong and effective leadership, strategic vision, organizational management, grant writing and fundraising skills.